Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Nude Essays - 1476 Words

The Nude Naked came I out of my mothers womb, and naked shall I return thither... (The Book of Job 1:21) The nude has remained an ever present piece in art history. The nude, in essence captures humanity across the ages ( Since the beginning of time, the male and female nude has been inspiring artists. The shapes and forms that make up the body naturally create beauty and sensuality. Even with the first caveman drawing, the human form was etched in artistic impression thus adding aesthetic features to their creations. While many artists choose the female body, men and women choose to see the nude body differently. Men choose to paint women so they are more appealing and pleasing to the male eye where women†¦show more content†¦She also became known in the lesbian and bisexual community at this time. In 1931, Tamara painted â€Å"Adam and Eve†, originally intended for a movie poster. Her idea was to take the serpent out of the picture and replace it with love, a return to passion. It is a blend of cold new age art with raw sexuality. The figures: against a backdrop of tall, cold skyscrapers are modern, openly sexual and timeless. There are two lovers embracing one another pinpoint the warmth and magnificence of natural physicality in this piece. Powerful curves and strong confident lines are used to show sexuality amongst modern technology. Encapsulated in a cold landscape of modern technology and industrialization -- symbolized by biblical sin -- the lovers express themselves in a basic, biological manner. The city is modern and mechanic, but the apple is organic, clearly noting a return to a natural environment. Emotion governs a realm where technology has no place, where sexuality, not machinery, is the basic form of communication (delempicka). The piece screams old plus the new. New city made of steel and concrete and old love. The cold angular buildings seem to have that stand-offish feel when you look at them. They are inflexible and new. The angles of the legs and arms mimic the angles in the buildings. Love, sensuality, beauty are all old. We look at them every day and each time we look at them we see new things. TogetherShow MoreRelatedThe Female Nude On The Film Fifty Shades Of Grey918 Words   |  4 PagesThe Female Nude in Fifty Shades of Grey This essay will be an analysis of the Female Nude in the film Fifty Shades of Grey. The female nude is one of the topics that has been covered and this essay will be a discussion of the female character Anastasia and how her representation has been portrayed in the film. There are a number of nudity scenes in Fifty Shades of Grey and this involves anyone that is naked or typically wearing less clothes. 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